Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More Help For Paw Friends!

 Greetings Fellow Fur-kind and their owners!

It has come  to my attention that there are several items that need addressed and I didn't feel that it could wait until later to discuss and spread out into the cyberspace realm.

It is vitally important as my duty not only as part of the #doxieposse patrolling the twitter verse but as a respectable canine in my community to get the word out to help those in need.

I am again very passionate about providing any assistance I can to the animals displaced from the storms in Alabama. I have recently found new information to provide and want to make sure that it gets in the right hands. 

YOU! Make the difference to these little ones that are trying to find their way back to their families. Please refer to my previous blogs for additional support and links to various organizations providing shelter to our kind!

It has come to my attention that Petango has added a blog to help those animals find their way back home with family and have listings of storm animals and photos from Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter. Also please continue to check back with rescue shelters and organizations as they continue to find and bring in homeless animals from the storms. The ads continue to pour in to the Shelter with people finding animals, providing temporary homes and waiting for their original owners to return.

PLEASE take a look and help out your fellow animal owner reunite with their furry kids! I can't stress enough what this will mean to those that are still lost!

ALSO - I have a special family that needs some extra love and attention for their little Rottweiler puppy, 6 months old. Her name is Penny and she has hip dysplasia that will cost around $4500 for treatments and surgery costs. Please take the time to contribute whatever you can to help this sweet family and their loving pup to be able to pay for her medical care.

And please take the time to care for each other, say loving supportive words, build each other up when one is down, contribute to a worthy cause with whatever donation amount you can afford. Anything that you can do will be greatly appreciated!

Signing off for now my loving doggies and doggy lovers!


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