Monday, July 25, 2011
Please Help Da Recues!!
I has furry important message fur eberbody out der in cyberland. Please take the time to help those in need. Whether it's an animal that needs help with medical expenses, a lost or found animal searching for their parents, a wounded animal that needs paw prayers, or a rescue shelter needing our support to stay open.
We need all the dedicated no-kill shelters and rescue organizations that we can get! We can't let them close their doors because we didn't help dem!
Take a look at three rescue organizations below, take the time to read about dem and please help out any way you can! If you can provide donations, but it also furry important to pass the word along via text, tweet, facebook, myspace or even add your own blog or journal entry!
Please help dem. It helps us all!
Dogs In Brazil - dey needs help feeding and care for the doggies in their care in a small no-kill shelter. Please help dem all you can! You can pay through paypal on their donate button or you can tweet and retweet and publicize their needs all ober da web!!/emmydib
911 Ruff Org - Rescue Unwanted Furry Friends, a no-kill shelter in Fort Walton Beach, Florida that is in desperate need of funding to remain open.Please help dem! Get the word out to eberyone you know. We must save the shelter! Items needed: dog food, pedigree canned puppy food, blankets (non-stuffed), towels, clorox beach, sheets, chew toys (non-squeaky or rattling).!/911RUFFORG
A Place To Bark - a no-kill shelter in Portland, Tennessee that is in desperate need of funds to remain open. Please help dem! Dey can't close on us! They are also in need of supplies: towels, blankets, toys, collars, leashes, crates, food, treats, very small baby bottles, milk replacement, bleach, 1 microscope, 1 baby scale, 1 stethoscope, muzzles, pet beds.!/aplacetobark
Please yelp our furiends! Make a difference in other animals lives!
Fanks for taking the time to read my blog today!
Later loving doggies and doggy lovers!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
My Doxie Pal, LouLou Please YELP!
I met a new #doxieposse furiend on twitter the other day. She is a rescue dachshund named LouLou. She was pregnant and sick from what was thought to be poisoning. Her mama, Corissa, was told by da vet dat she had been spayed......OBVIOUSLY that was wrong cause she just gave birth yesterday to 8 puppies!
bad vet....badddd vetttttt
She had 10 but 2 didn't make it. LouLou is resting now and taking care of her babies but she need our help! Da vet bill was very expensive and LouLou has called on us to help outs if we can!
She a new mama, she can't work to pay her bills, so please let's do our part and help out with the vet costs! She will be so happy wit da results if we can at least pay somethin towards her babies cost!
Lou Lou & Babies Fund
Thanks you furry much loving doggies and doggy lovers,
Monday, July 18, 2011
My dear friend Christine, Kenny and Ginger gave me dis award! I so excited bout it. Now it is my duty to pass the Versatile Blogger Award on to fellow bloggers that are deserving of tis title!
But first, I has to say 7 tings that you might not know about me and Mama.
1. I is adorable! Oh, I guess you can tell dat already by my photogenic images. 'insert cheesy grin here'
The REAL #1 - Some would find it offensive based on my ethnicity but I 'whispers' don't speak German at all but I can speak in several dialects: Irish, 'top of the mornin' to ya', Southern, "ya'll come on over and sit a spell', Australian, 'let's throw some shrimp on the barbie', New Zealand, "G'day Mate', squirrel 'who stole my nuts', canine, 'ruff, ruff, ruff'. Mama and I speak American but she know a few words in Spanish.
2. Mama and I are both animal lovers! She love dem as a kid and it has never stopped! I identify as a canine first but Mama has caused me to feel kinda human so I now identify as a human dachshund. Yes dey really do exist! Mama had one before me, Shelby her baby.
3, I do impressions! Hey I told you I was human. I can impersonate a bat, a miniature doberman pinscher, an ewok from Star Wars and my latest impersonation is pictured below. An alien canine.
4. Mama is a single parent but she do just fine raising me. I her second child and second dachshund. She lubs my breed and her brudder was a dachshund too!
5. Mama likes to write and so do I. I blog, of course and Mama write short fiction stories in da past. She not sure what to write next but she has da writing bug goin on. (Her second cousin just published a book A Captive Heart}
6. Mama and mine favoritest place to vacation is Pigeon Forge. We lubs to stay in the mountains in cabins! I have yet to see any pigeons so I can't figure out why it named that.
7. Mama and I have our furry own website to help anipals. In case you didn't know it, please visit us at People 4 Dogs
Now I'm proud to reveal my favoritest blogger buddies and in turn dey have to provide 7 tings no one knew about dem and der favoritest blogger sites! I do have to make speshul announcement - I would nominate but I can't since she nominated me. Just sayin' I lubs my buddies Kenny, Ginger and Christine!
1. Dawg Blogger - a furry nice person helping give others information about anipals, tweeting for worthy causes to get information across to all of us, helps to spread da word about anipals in need of medical expenses.
2. For The Weens - all about da speshul breed that is me!
3, LIfe of a Bloodhound Living With Dachshunds - Mama friend, volunteer for She post information that important for the cause!
4. Blog The Change For Animals - bloggers come together to support people helping animals in need each 15th of Jan, April, July, October.
5. Who's Your Dachshund? - 10 bloggers, 16 dachshunds, one blog.
6. Dachshund Cocoa - dachshund blog about this amazing Dachshund's struggle to get well and find a furever home! Please help her!
7. Operation Fuzzy Mice - non-denominational Christian ministry dedicated to provide help for pets caught up in human crises.
8. Best Friend's Blog - a grass roots effort to place dogs and cats considered 'unadoptable' into good homes. Founders of Dog Town.
I sure der are more wonderful blogs and bloggers out der that I can post but for now I's done cause I need to go and mingle wif nature. I is feeling a little outdoorsy if you get my drift.
Later all loving doggies and doggy lovers!
Friday, July 8, 2011
My Furry Pals, Please Help Dem!!!!
Hi Eberbuddy! It's me again here with an impotent massage. Oops, I sorry my fat paws sometimes hit da wrong keys!
Anyway, I am here today to campaign for some furry important causes. There are so many needs that I can't possibly list them all, at least not here today. However, I will list different ones that catch mine and Mama's eyes and add from time to time for more exposure!
Please let us remember our dear sweet, Bear (pictured below) who is currently undergoing radiation treatments (2 left!) and he desperately needs to be able to start chemotherapy and meds shortly thereafter. We raised enough for his radiation treatments, PLEASE let's help him get the full total for all his treatments! He just lost his fur-mom please let's help the sweet little guy live!
Please Help Me Get Better, Click Here!
This little girl (pictured below) is such a cutie but I am biased cause she's my breed of dachshund. A cute little spiffy 10 year old senior dachshund lost her home cause her owner passed away at the ripe old age of 97. She is now in the care of a wonderful foster mom who is doing everything possible to keep Cocoa alive and healthy so she can be adopted at a later date. Please save Cocoa. She has a tumor that needs to be removed ASAP due to the potential for malignancy. Please any donations would help this fine little doggie!
Read My Story & Help Please!
The Oncologist Report
This sweet pup, Dusty, was found roaming the streets and the compassionate people at Animal Advocates Alliance took him in and are nursing him back to health. As you can see he's had a really rough and hard start to his life, but we are dedicated to improving his quality of life and helping him have a great new start!
Dusty's Story, Please Help!
Furever Dachshund Rescue needs our help! Please donate what you can, any amount will greatly help these precious new rescued doxies that they have brought in! The wieners will appreciate your contributions!
Medical Expense ChipIn For Wieners!
Fanks so much for taking time to help our fellow anipals! We lubs you humans, please help dem all!
Later loving doggies and doggy lovers,
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Please Help My Furiend BEAR! Come To #Hope4Bear #Pawty!

Attenshun Eberyone!
I is hosting a #pawty for my canine pal, Bear on Twitter. He has cancer and needs radiation treatments ASAP but he needs our help to get enuf monies for da treatments!
Please join in me an exclusive online auction full of doggie prizes! All donations go directly to Help For Bear
Let's join together on Sunday the 26th for just a few minutes of ur time to help a great pal in need! Da auction starts at 2pm EST and ends at 6pm EST. If you can't make it you can always donate directly to da link above.
Hope For Bear PAWTY RSVP
Please let's join together and help this little fellow!
Fank you for reading my blog! Hope 2 see u there!
Later loving doggies and doggy lovers,
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Please Help My Pup Furiends!
It me again! Your trusty, lovable, very compassionate huma-dox talking about something that is near and dear to my heart!
Helping my fellow dachshunds in need! Some of you's is already aware that we had a paw pawty for dis little handsome fellow, Trooper, pictured below.
We made a great success in nearing the goal necessary to help several dachshunds currently in the care of Furever Dachshund Rescue but we are short a few hundred more dollars that is desperately needed in order to help all our doxies with special needs.
Please take a look and help us continue to help this precious breed live long weinerful lives with weinferful people!
All our doxies needing furever homes
Read Doxies Stories Here For Chip In
Thank you so much for you kindness and support loving doggies and doggy lovers!
Helping my fellow dachshunds in need! Some of you's is already aware that we had a paw pawty for dis little handsome fellow, Trooper, pictured below.
We made a great success in nearing the goal necessary to help several dachshunds currently in the care of Furever Dachshund Rescue but we are short a few hundred more dollars that is desperately needed in order to help all our doxies with special needs.
Please take a look and help us continue to help this precious breed live long weinerful lives with weinferful people!
All our doxies needing furever homes
Read Doxies Stories Here For Chip In
Thank you so much for you kindness and support loving doggies and doggy lovers!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
More Help For Paw Friends!
Greetings Fellow Fur-kind and their owners!
It has come to my attention that there are several items that need addressed and I didn't feel that it could wait until later to discuss and spread out into the cyberspace realm.
It is vitally important as my duty not only as part of the #doxieposse patrolling the twitter verse but as a respectable canine in my community to get the word out to help those in need.
I am again very passionate about providing any assistance I can to the animals displaced from the storms in Alabama. I have recently found new information to provide and want to make sure that it gets in the right hands.
YOU! Make the difference to these little ones that are trying to find their way back to their families. Please refer to my previous blogs for additional support and links to various organizations providing shelter to our kind!
It has come to my attention that Petango has added a blog to help those animals find their way back home with family and have listings of storm animals and photos from Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter. Also please continue to check back with rescue shelters and organizations as they continue to find and bring in homeless animals from the storms. The ads continue to pour in to the Shelter with people finding animals, providing temporary homes and waiting for their original owners to return.
PLEASE take a look and help out your fellow animal owner reunite with their furry kids! I can't stress enough what this will mean to those that are still lost!
ALSO - I have a special family that needs some extra love and attention for their little Rottweiler puppy, 6 months old. Her name is Penny and she has hip dysplasia that will cost around $4500 for treatments and surgery costs. Please take the time to contribute whatever you can to help this sweet family and their loving pup to be able to pay for her medical care.
And please take the time to care for each other, say loving supportive words, build each other up when one is down, contribute to a worthy cause with whatever donation amount you can afford. Anything that you can do will be greatly appreciated!
Signing off for now my loving doggies and doggy lovers!
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