Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vacations for Pooches? What does it all mean?

    Hello fellow pooches and poochie lovers! I'm little blue riding hood, ahem, but I'm not complaining although I'm not quite sure what all this head gear fuss is all about.....

All I know is I'm goin' on a vacation with Mama! YUPEEEEE! YIPPPYYYYY!     and again I don't know what all the fuss is about....

BUT one thing I've discovered what makes Mama happy..... makes me HAPPY!

I gets new clothes, my own suitcase and I'm ready to emBARK on a new adventure! And I gets to check me out some pigeons in PIGEON FORGE, TN!

Not sure about that fuss either but I hear a lot of people go there to see em!

This will be my first vacation ever. I'm excited! 'does the snoopy dance' I'll blog of my adventures when I return!

Later...... loving doggies and doggy lovers!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for ur vacation too!!!! Know why?? Cause I get to go too!!!! Yay!!!! I can't wait to see u and ur Mama again and spend time with you!! I'm even bringing u and Mama gifts bc I've missed u soooooo much!!! I can't wait to see how u like the vacation! Don't forget to tell Mama to pack bobo ;) cya in Pigeon Forge little cutie :)
